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Art has been a passion of mine since my childhood. My initial inspirations came from the natural surroundings that I grew up in which was a town located very close to nature . I was especially drawn to beautiful spring flowers, which often remained in my thoughts long after sighting them . That became the bedrock of my art going forward and inspired the various creations that I try to reproduce in my art.
Floral motifs and nature themes find prominence in my work . These creations speak to the abundance of beauty in the world , which unfortunately many of us fail to notice in our busy daily lives .
My attempt to reproduce them on canvas is a way to consciously connect myself and other who view my art to immense beauty that flowers and nature bestow to the world
All paintings are original. I use mixed media such as paste, acrylic pain, golden leaves etc to make my work more vibrant and natural.
8. How does working with children impact your work and your approach to painting?
As a professional, I am also a teacher specifically for the Primary classes . The medium of art is very useful to communicate with young and impressionable minds.
9, You talk of your desire to encourage children to dream big. What does ‘dreaming big’ look like to you and your work?
Dreaming big is to be able to achieve your potential in life and as I am both- a teacher and an artist – I would like to encourage children to develop their creative side which will be useful to many aspects in their future life.
9. Looking ahead, what are your long-term goals and aspirations as an artist, and how do you plan to achieve them?
My long-term goals are to continue developing my passion and perfecting my style and I hope to achieve them through continuous practice and experimentation.
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